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Our Controlled Drug Accuracy Measures are a solution to all your Controlled Drug Stock Management needs. The measures will improve your compliance, support staff and give confidence in their processes, give you standardised practice, improve governance and give you assurance.
eezycd: Controlled Drug Accuracy Measures
The Controlled Drug Accuracy Measures will deliver many benefits to your organisation’s Controlled Drug Stock Management practices and governance controls.
The Controlled Dug Accuracy Measures are built to save time during mandatory stock checks. The measures will enable staff to be with their patients’ instead of being left in the treatment room trying to resolve discrepancies. Currently discrepancies occur during an unknown time period which makes time pressures during investigations.
The Accuracy Measures enable you to perform a quick and easy volume check whenever you wish to.

Currently Controlled Drug stock check practice is performed by either looking at the solution and approximating the fill volume, or physically measuring the liquid into another vessel. In some cases there isn’t a practice to manage stock volumes at all.
All of these practices cause you problems! Physical measuring causes residual waste every time you pour the solution, possible spillages, and environmental contamination from pouring back the solution. Approximating is obvious, an incorrect eye for the volume stores up troubles and investigations for later.
Our Solution
Benefits You Can Expect
Increase Staff Confidence
Staff can take accountability without having to open a bottle. Controlled Drugs cause staff an enormous amount of stress and time lost to practice, the new measures will change their lives.
Be More Time Efficient
Daily stock checks take time, cause loss of liquid and take staff away from where they need to be.
Improve Compliance
All environments storing Controlled Drugs must adhere to tight storage and auditing controls. The Controlled Drug Accuracy Measures will improve your compliance, accuracy and reduce your need for intervention, investigation, and documentation.
Why Choose Us
Innovation: Reducing the amount of uncontrolled drug loss.
The main purpose of this innovation is to reduce the amount of unaccounted loss of Controlled Drug Liquids due to limited stock controls and loss of liquid (residual waste) from measuring.
When regular stock checks are performed, we cause residual waste each time and environmental exposure. When regular stock checks are not performed, we are unable to investigate and know for sure where the liquid discrepancy has occurred, we can only make educated assumptions. Another danger to this is not knowing if a patient has been administered to incorrectly as the patient turnover versus doses given is too great. The rulers are quick, simple, and accurate allowing staff to do daily stock checks without opening the bottle and can perform this in seconds. If professionals can see a loss of liquid during a check, they can look at administration records since the last check and see if a patient has had an overdose and ensure patients get the additional monitoring or treatment they may require.
Another change from using the new Controlled Drug Liquid Accuracy Measures is the bottle fill level from the manufacturer can be checked before the bottle is unsealed. Manufactures have a tolerance in their fill volumes, and you can be short of liquid before you have opened the bottle. The measures will allow your users to check the bottle start volume before they unseal it and make a note in the register should they be short or over filled. This could contribute hugely to reducing the amount of unaccounted loss investigations you perform or DATIX reports you need to be involved in. Let your team be efficient, confident and in control.
Featured Articles
Precision in Practice
We pride ourselves on identifying and nurturing groundbreaking solutions at Health Innovation East Midlands (HIEM). We were impressed by one such solution – ‘Rosie’s Ruler’ as it became known by us, is a part of Eezycd’s controlled drug rulers set which addresses Controlled Drug Stock Management requirements. I

The Pharmaceutical Journal
Bespoke rulers invented by hospital pharmacy staff led to 35% reduction in loss of controlled liquid drugs. Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust — where the rulers were trialled — says the device could save the NHS £1.2m a year if used across all NHS hospital trusts.
Northampton Chronicle & Echo
Northampton General Hospital pharmacists brains behind gadget which could save millions for NHS. Device can accurately measure how much liquid is inside any bottle, any size, any time without unscrewing the top.
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